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2018-06-12 19:43:49??????點擊:

中國石化新聞網訊 據(jù)新加坡普氏能源資訊6月8日消息,據(jù)一位知情人士上周五透露,巴基斯坦國家石油公司(Pakistan State Oil)已將三家公司列入候選名單,這三家公司已提交最低報價,尋求在8月份交付19.5萬噸CST高硫燃料油。



消息人士稱,領先的是Vitol、中石油和Bakri等公司,它們的報價約為每桶17至17.50美元,高于以CFR計算的阿拉伯灣t180 HSFO估值。

該公司最后一次通過投標購買了3批65000噸CST HSFO貨物,最多含硫3.5%,在7月份交付。標普環(huán)球普氏此前報導稱,PSO從Gunvor購買了兩批貨物,其中一批來自Bakri,溢價約為每公噸18- 23美元。



Pakistan State Oil has shortlisted three companies that have submitted the lowest offers for its tender seeking 195,000 mt of 180 CST high sulfur fuel oil for delivery in August, a source close to the matter said Friday.

The tender closed June 4, with validity until June 8.

PSO is seeking three HSFO cargoes, each of 65,000 mt, with maximum 3.5% sulfur for delivery to Port Qasim in August.

The frontrunners are Vitol, PetroChina and Bakri Trading with offers at premiums of around $17-$17.50/b to the Mean of Platts Arab Gulf 180 CST HSFO assessments on a CFR basis, sources said.

The company last bought, via tender, three 65,000 mt cargoes of 180 CST HSFO with maximum 3.5% sulfur for delivery over July. PSO bought two cargoes from Gunvor and one from Bakri Trading at premiums of around $18-$23/mt to Mean of Platts Arab Gulf 180 CST HSFO assessments, CFR, S&P Global Platts reported previously.
